Friday, August 31, 2007

Day Seven...Yipee!

Ahhh...Payday. I made a trip to petsmart to look for some nice cover for my frogs. It's really hard to find a home for the little guys that is small enough for the tank and yet has big enough openings for the frogs to fit in. I also picked up some of that aquatic freshwater seaweed-looking plant that people put in goldfish tanks as food. Finally, with the help of a sales person I was able to locate a pair of neon tetra fish to hang out with the frogs and help liven up the upper half of the tank.

The plants don't have rootmass, but I've been able to plant them in the gravel well enough. I've also managed to place the new 'froggie home' without squishing anyone. (despite Patrick's best attempts to play chicken with it. The frogs moved in mere seconds, checking out the inside and moving in happily. The plants have helped as well, as the shrimp love climbing them and it seems to have helped Roberta be a little braver about swimming when I'm around..both of them still seem terrified of me. The Tetras aren't terribly actively, but I'm guessing they just need to acclimate to their new surroundings. I figure I've just about maxed out what can go in an aquarium of this size, but I'm very happy with the results.

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